To convert a decimal to a percent, simply multiply the decimal by 100. This gives the equivalent percentage of the decimal.
Convert the decimal .07 into Percent.
.07 as a percent is 7%
Method 1: Multiplication by 100
Step 1: Multiply 0.07 by 100.
0.07 × 100 = 7
Step 2: Add the percent symbol to the result.
The final result is 7%.
Method 2: Moving the Decimal Point
Step 1: Move the decimal point in 0.07 two places to the right.
0.07 becomes 7.
Step 2: Add a percent sign (%) to the result.
The final result is 7%.
Method 3: Using a Proportion
Step 1: Set up a proportion where 0.07 is to 1 as x is to 100.
0.07 / 1 = x / 100
Step 2: Cross-multiply to solve for x.
0.07 × 100 = x
x = 7
Step 3: Add the percent symbol to the result.
The final result is 7%.
Decimal to Percent Conversion Table
Decimal | Percent |